Meet Your Hosts

Amberly Martin and Christine Johnston bring clarity, insight, and a touch of fun to the governance and public meetings of the City of Horseshoe Bend—keeping the community informed, engaged, and entertained along the way!

Meet Your Hosts

Join former Recorder-Treasurers of the City of Horseshoe Bend, Amberly Martin and Christine Johnston, on a lively journey through governance.

Their passion and insight bring agendas to life with clarity, depth, and a touch of fun!

two person standing on gray tile paving
two person standing on gray tile paving
people sitting down near table with assorted laptop computers
people sitting down near table with assorted laptop computers
Podcast Mic for Amberly Martin
Podcast Mic for Amberly Martin


Meet Amberly Martin and Christine Johnston, your event hosts.

Eagle Art Sheriff Fundraiser Amberly Martin
Eagle Art Sheriff Fundraiser Amberly Martin
gray computer monitor

Meet Hosts

Connect with Amberly Martin and Christine Johnston for inquiries.